Friday, August 3, 2012


{July 9th}

Alright. Tell me, Elissa. What do you see?

I see two?

Yes! Congratulations! You're having twins!

Huh? This is still a bit, I don't know, surreal? A) Pregnant. B) Twins. Holy cowboy! If I'm dreaming, please, I'm begging you, don't wake me up!

Both embies survived! Their flickering heartbeats on the screen were proof of their love, their little lives! We are super excited, a tiny bit terrified, a whole lot of thankful!

Hey there, Lord. You know what? You're just pretty stinking awesome. All the time. No matter what. I know, I know, You already know that. Still, just had to say it, again! Thank You!


  1. This is wonderful news! I'm so excited for you guys and am continuing to keep you in my prayers!!

  2. Thanks so much, Jess! Praying along your journey, as well!
